This plugin makes it easy to integrate GraphQL types from existing schemas into your Pothos API
It can be used for incremental migrations from nexus, graphql-tools, or any other JS/TS executable schema.
yarn add @pothos/plugin-add-graphql
import AddGraphQLPlugin from '@pothos/plugin-add-graphql';
const builder = new SchemaBuilder({
plugins: [AddGraphQLPlugin],
There are 2 ways you can reference existing types.
Adding types to the builder will automatically include the types in your schema when it's built. Types will only be added if no existing type of the same name is added to the builder before building the schema.
Adding types recursively adds any other types that the added type depends in it's fields, interfaces, or union members.
import { existingSchema } from './existing-schema-location';
const builder = new SchemaBuilder({
plugins: [AddGraphQLPlugin],
add: {
// You can add individual types
// This accepts Any GraphQLNamedType (Objects, Interface, Unions, Enums, Scalars, and InputObjects)
types: [schema.getType('User'), schema.getType('Post')],
// Or you can add an entire external schema
schema: externalSchema,
Adding types by themselves isn't very useful, so you'll probably want to be able to reference them when defining fields in your schema. To do this, you can add them to the builders generic Types.
This currently only works for Object
, Interface
, and Scalar
types. For other types, use the
builder methods below to create refs to the added types.
import { existingSchema } from './existing-schema-location';
const builder = new SchemaBuilder<{
Objects: {
User: UserType;
Interfaces: {
ExampleInterface: { id: string };
Scalars: {
DateTime: {
Output: Date;
Input: Date;
plugins: [AddGraphQLPlugin],
add: {
types: [
builder.queryFields((t) => ({
user: t.field({ type: 'User', resolve: () => getUser() }),
exampleInterface: t.field({ type: 'ExampleInterface', resolve: () => getThings() }),
now: t.field({ type: 'DateTime', resolve: () => new Date() }),
// Passing in a generic type is recommended to ensure type-safety
const UserRef = builder.addGraphQLObject<UserType>(
existingSchema.getType('User') as GraphQLObjectType,
// Optionally you can override the types name
name: 'AddedUser',
// You can also pass in any other options you can define for normal object types
description: 'This type represents Users',
const PostRef = builder.addGraphQLObject<{
id: string;
title: string;
content: string;
}>(existingSchema.getType('Post') as GraphQLObjectType, {
fields: (t) => ({
// remove existing title field from type
title: null,
// add new titleField
postTitle: t.exposeString('title'),
You can then use the returned references when defining fields:
builder.queryFields((t) => ({
posts: t.field({
type: [PostRef],
resolve: () => loadPosts(),
const NodeRef = builder.addGraphQLInterface<NodeShape>(
existingSchema.getType('Node') as GraphQLInterfaceType,
// interface options
const SearchResult = builder.addGraphQLUnion<User | Post>(
existingSchema.getType('SearchResult') as GraphQLUnionType,
// union options
const OrderBy = builder.addGraphQLEnum<'Asc' | 'Desc'>(
existingSchema.getType('OrderBy') as GraphQLEnumType,
// enum options
const PostFilter = builder.addGraphQLInput<{ title?: string, tags? string[] }>(
existingSchema.getType('PostFilter') as GraphQLInputObjectType,
// input options
This plugin does not add a new method for scalars, because Pothos already has a method for adding existing scalar types.
builder.addScalarType('DateTime', existingSchema.getType('DateTime') as GraphQLScalar, {
// scalar options